Welcome to,

Read and Believe

Come and be inspired. Read uplifting words. Discover what you will learn.  

When you change how you think, your life will transform.

Are you ready to discover your own path to personal and spiritual transformation?

You have arrived and your new journey begins now.

You found a place in which you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.

You will be encouraged to explore how you think, and free your mind of existing constraints and limiting beliefs. You will be taught to become empowered to find your own path, develop your own new beliefs, and reach your own conclusions. This is a journey of self-empowerment, by learning how to connect with your higher self.

There is no reference to religious terminology or ideology.

You may refer to your higher power as other names. The terminology doesn’t matter. As you come to learn about my background, you will find I do not identify my writings with any particular terminology or ideology.

Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author

I have always been highly intuitive. Over time I honed this intuitive ability and learned to connect easily to my higher power to gain wisdom and insight.

Bruce J’s Mission

My mission is simple: I want teach, write, and inspire others. I want to uplift you and teach you the power of your thoughts. When you change how you think, and tap into your higher power, your life can change. This will lead you to your personal and spiritual transformation.

Come and explore this website. Discover what you can learn.

Are You Ready to Begin a New Journey?

Come and learn. Read and Believe.

With love for all, 

Bruce J

Bruce J is an inspirational teacher and spiritual author whose work is described as “a powerful amalgam of metaphysical concepts and new thought philosophy for a deep dive inwards”. Bruce J. shares wisdom, insight, and knowledge gained while attuned to his higher power. His first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: A Guide to Personal and Spiritual Awakening, is considered “inspirational, thought-provoking, and empowering, a must read for the chaotic minds”.  

Bruce J. spent his life helping others, whether as an educator or in some other related capacity, with a mission to inspire others by sharing messages of love, hope, inclusivity, and self-empowerment. He is not affiliated with any religious institution or religious ideology, does not have a doctrine for readers to subscribe to, and only asks readers to read and learn, and believe what they connect with as they read. 

Bruce J is working on a New Book of Inspiration and Hope.

Watch for new details. Until then, please continue to enjoy Bruce J’s blog posts.

Bruce J’s First Book:

Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Awakening

Please Visit: https://readandbelieve.com/shop/

Discover a Path to Transformation

Are you ready to discover your own path to personal and spiritual transformation? Bruce J teaches personal self-empowerment, which means you will learn you have an ability to access answers you need about your life, rather than rely upon someone else.


Discover Laws of the Universe

Featured Products

Be Inspired Every Day:

Start your morning or transform your day with words to Read and Believe. Any time of the day, pick a card from the deck. You will feel uplifted and inspired, and the words will provide you with a sense of spiritual renewal.

You can also keep a card out during the day to remind yourself to stay focused on your best qualities and positive energy. These are more than affirmations; these cards are personal self-empowerment statements.

Now on Sale $16.99

Bruce J has custom written these transformational

statements in a deck of 45 cards, each individually written to provide you with insight, encouragement, and words that are certain to uplift you.

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