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Discover Your Higher Power

Are you ready to discover your own path to personal and spiritual transformation?

Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation, teaches personal self-empowerment, which means readers will learn they have an ability to access answers they need about their lives, rather than rely upon someone else to provide them with knowledge.

This book expands upon the field of spiritual and personal self-help and Law of Attraction. Readers will be introduced to other important Laws of the Universe to help answer questions they have about their lives. This knowledge can empower anyone who wants to experience transformation. More importantly, readers will learn they are in control of their lives.

Readers will learn about a higher power, also called a Universal Wisdom, which this author accessed to obtain knowledge needed to write this book, along with blog posts for this website. 

This will help readers open their eyes to experience life and the world around them in a new manner. You will find yourself ready to experience your own spiritual awakening.

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Discover The Author

Who am I? My name is Bruce J and I am an inspirational teacher and spiritual author. I am also highly intuitive.

The wisdom I share is available to anyone through the power of their mind. I have been on a lifetime journey of self-discovery, and now I want for you to join me.

The knowledge I share helps address questions people may have as they embark on a quest of self-discovery, self-development, and self-awakening.

Please understand the knowledge shared is not affiliated with any religion or religious institution, as it is based upon wisdom received from a higher consciousness, or what I refer to as a Connectedness Stream of Consciousness.

I do not claim to have special powers, only a trained ability to attune to, and listen to, a higher frequency. It is through my focused attention I am able to tap into a higher consciousness. This is an energy stream which exists within all of us.

Be open-minded and discover what you can learn as you Read and Believe.

This is my journey, which I have been sharing with others through my website and blog posts, and now you are included.

Learn more: Welcome to Read and Believe from Bruce J

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