Do you understand the concept of energy, especially as related to the laws of the universe and Law of Attraction? Do you know the difference between “positive” and “negative” energy?
In this post, Bruce J. shares what he’s learned from his higher power about energy, from types of energy to principles of energy and more.
My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow new thoughts to flow through my mind uninterrupted.
Energy Basics
Energy is one of the foundational Laws of the Universe. There are types of energy:
• Static: That which does not move,
• Energetic: That which is in motion, and
• Magnetic: That which attracts like through vibration.
The human body can be static or in an energetic state. The human body’s functions are energetic, always in motion, causing organs and molecules to move in a continuous flow.
The mind is magnetic and able to focus with clarity and attract similar thoughts, building momentum until what is focused upon become a manifestation.
The mind can also exist in a state of flux, unfocused and moving from one thought to the next. Sometimes the thoughts are focused, yet often the thoughts are scattered. Every movement in the universe, down to the human body, and every idea or thought, is all energy.
• Energy is source, a creator.
Principles of Energy
Energy is constant motion. It cannot be contained. Those who say they harness it mean they have found a way to tap into it. For example, an electrician establishes a conduit and points of attraction so that it becomes a connection source. Other examples include:
• Doctors who look for symptoms or conditions not in normal alignment.
• Therapists who sense energy blockages during a massage.
Energy in any form is felt or experienced in patterns and is a sensory experience for the human body. Those who are intuitive are those who have a highly developed awareness of energy. They can feel a shift in another’s pattern or flow. They are also receptive enough that they can tune into the frequency of another. Consider an outlet, which is connected to a source; it can energize anything that is receptive to it.
There is only one source, the energy that sustains life.
Energy is automatic and cannot be turned off. It flows through the human body. A body that disconnects from it will experience what is called death. Energy does not turn off and on. There is a connection or disconnection. An on switch makes the connection and the off switch disconnects. (The body is the switch that makes the connection or disconnection)
Energy is Dynamic
Energy does not have a starting point or ending point. Energy exists through a tension of positive and negative signals. Those signals create balance and sustains life.
Energy in its constant flow does not exist as an even, precisely measured level. Energy can surge, fluctuate, and be blocked at connection points. Energy is transmitted through signals that are in varying degrees, from weak to strong.
Energy has been called “God” because of its pure nature, and “evil” because of the negative fluctuations and variance in levels. Energy connects intellect and therefore has been called Infinite Intelligence.
Energy can retain images, words, and anything else referred to as memory. Intelligence is a form of focused energy that has been harnessed or channeled for a specific purpose.
Energy with its positive and negative currents are used as an analogy for good and evil:
• Good because the positive energy has absorbed the intellect and best of mankind.
• Negative or bad because the other current attracts that which is destructive and harmful to man.
This is why there are categories defined as good or bad, they are opposite forms of energy. Both are needed to create a dynamic form that sustains life. There is no one in control. Both exist and together create a balance. When negative energy alone is experienced, that is when the harmful emotions are experienced. Positive energy alone creates pleasant emotions.
It is not possible for a person to live without negative energy., which means that there are going to be sensory moments, or feelings, that vary from pleasant to unpleasant.
Someone who is emotional is prone to experience both, never learning to tune to the positive energy. A fluctuation towards negative energy can and will be felt. A person with emotional control has learned to tune their frequency towards positive energy, or change their point of focus.
A point of focus attracts similar energy, and energy of the same frequency from source, which explains how others help to co-create what is known as a manifestation or realized form of energy.
Energy is the Source
The phrase “Source Energy” is helpful for some people as a means of understanding the Laws of the Universe. To say “Source Energy” can be confusing for others as it would seem to imply a person must find it. But energy is all around us. It is the source of life.
Energy can be experienced through focus and transmission of thoughts. The mind and the brain are transmitters of energy, receivers of energy, and use energy to sustain life.
Energy is the source of all forms of life that fluctuates, grows, expands, and sustains it.
• Life is Energy
• The Body is Energy
• The Mind is Energy
• Nature is Energy
• Money and Economics are Energy
• Time is Energy
• Thoughts are Energy
Energy is the source of ideas, inspiration, intuition, emotions, feelings, words, language, sight, sound, taste, touch, writing, singing, and laughing.
Everything requires some form of energy. Energy has always been. As intelligence grows, energy expands. That is the evolution of man and time.
Energy is finite and has no end.
Are you aware of the energy that flows through you, which helps provide ideas and inspiration when needed?
Author’s Notes: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.
With love for all,
Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author
You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book