Have you ever wanted something, and trusted it would occur for you, without knowing the specifics of how it might happen? In other words, you believed in, trusted, or relied upon someone or something to set in motion the details of what it is you wanted, without knowing the “how” or even the “why”. That was a form of faith. What if you could learn to find faith in yourself?
There are many times we naturally have faith in others. Take for example when you work for an employer: You have faith you will be paid after a certain time period for your work. The faith you have is both a belief in someone else, which is the owner of the company, along with trust they will complete what they promised to do. You are able to go about your day without having to worry, because of a sense of trust you have in them. You can likely think of other examples as well, of people you trusted or had faith in throughout your life.
Most often the word faith is associated with a belief in a higher power. Consider a time in your life when you might not know how you will find the answers needed. During the pandemic, one of the most common challenges was a job loss. This was a time when many people needed faith in someone, something, or some higher power to help them find answers – or so it may seem.
If you’ve been raised within a religious environment, maintained a religious perspective, and/or believed a higher power must intervene in your life, then your faith will be extremely important whenever there is a time of crisis or challenge.
What I want for you to read and believe is this: You can have faith in yourself.
Let me expand upon this further: You can have faith in yourself to find answers needed.
If you would be willing to have faith in yourself, you could transform your life.
My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow new thoughts to flow through my mind uninterrupted.
Dear Ones: Faith is best understood from the context of loss, as humans naturally feel an inability to course-correct their lives whenever they experience loss. There is nothing like a sense of loss to disrupt the well-being and emotional balance of a person. The word “loss” itself has a powerful emotion to denote unwanted events and significant occurrences. People develop strong emotional attachments to each other and physical objects. The idea of “losing” someone, or a cherished personal belonging, evokes strong, negative emotions. Words such as grief and sorrow are used to express those emotions.
The Mark of an Ending
When a person is no longer with someone, it usually marks an ending. When someone dies, the focus is put on the absence of the person and the memories established with them. This is a time of looking back, with a sense of being off-balance, as if the world is slightly different now because someone is no longer present. Depending upon the circumstances, it can create an emotional and mental setback.
Developing a Mental Setback
A setback occurs from a mental perspective when someone becomes so focused on the absence of what has been lost, they are unable to think clearly about their present life. Somehow the person who is “left behind” must think for themselves, make their own decisions, establish new routines, create new habits, and possibly live in the place where the memories with the person who is now “gone” were made.
Learn About Faith and Transformation
What is the power of faith during times of loss?
Does it mean awaiting an answer or help from someone else?
True faith during loss is a belief in your own ability to seek the knowledge and wisdom you need, and become transformed through your own self-empowerment.
Transform Through Transitioning:
To transform yourself from any period in your life when something has come to an end, whether a person or physical object is no longer with you, you have to let the transition occur without any resistance. You could not stop it and you cannot control it.
The more you fight it, the more you will become plugged into negative emotions, and the more adversely your health will become affected. In turn, it will take much longer to mend, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. You must breathe in healing and breathe out the negativity you’re feeling, every time you feel it.
Transform Through the Energy of Life:
The Connectedness Stream of Consciousness is available for you. It is within you, even as you are reading these words. It sustains your body, and it is responsible for providing sustenance to the entire universe. Go outside and feel the wind on your body. That is the energy of life around you. Breathe in this life and feel how powerful it is. This is the energy you have access to now.
Transition by Listening for Insight:
If you can allow yourself to relax, even for just a few minutes during the time of transition, you can begin to focus. You need no one else, just an ability of your own mind to prepare for insight. It will not be someone talking to you, rather it will be ideas and “aha” moments which come to you. The longer you practice being quiet and focused, the more comfortable you will become with listening for these insights, which is accessed directly from the Connectedness Stream of Consciousness. This is a source of pure love.
Yes, there is a negative energy stream flowing through you, as energy requires both positive and negative energy to remain balanced. But if you can stay focused on the positive energy stream, such as any happy memory you can find, you will then tap into the wisdom and insight available to you. This happy memory can help you now, as you learn to trust yourself to be calm, and move through a transition.
Are you ready to learn how to find faith in yourself?
Even if your life becomes challenging, remember the love which flows through you from the Source of Life. With this love you will find your strength and peace of mind, and more importantly, you can develop faith in yourself to find the insight and wisdom you need to make it through any transition. Even if you were to lose everything you value, you will never and can never lose your connection to the Source of all Life. You can have faith now, in yourself, and the internal guidance you are connected to at all times.
Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.
With love for all,
Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author
You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book