Welcome to Read and Believe from Bruce J

Welcome to Read and Believe.

By reading this now, you are ready to discover a new path to personal and spiritual transformation. How does this begin?

Consider the manner in which a person typically seeks out knowledge about spiritual matters, finds direction for their life, or tries to discover more about their future and what it may hold. If you’re like most people, you’ll turn to familiar sources for knowledge like this, or ask questions about these matters.   

The source of help sought is often a person of authority, or someone deemed of a stature high enough to be trusted to give the “right” answers. This may be a religious leader, New Age teacher, or someone else who is held in high regard.

Here’s a challenge for any information received, and what you should always ask yourself: Are you receiving true knowledge, someone’s version of the truth, or an institution’s stated doctrine?  

Religious institutions prescribe doctrines, and it includes specific types of accepted people, along with certain rules and guidelines which must be followed to gain access to special or divine knowledge. Those who are excluded from acceptance find themselves marginalized, just as they do within society.

Then there are New Age teachers who seem to offer a different perspective. Yet many present ideology and principles that seems easy enough to follow, such as Law of Attraction, yet most people find the reality is something much different. It’s not always a matter of “thinking things into existence”.

What I’ve discovered is my life, and the journey I’ve been on, has been influenced by all of these factors. This in turn has caused me to continue to search and learn more about my purpose in life, and how I could awaken spiritually.

You can learn from my life-long journey.

I’ve experienced organized religion as a young person, discovered New Age teachers as an adult, and then embraced my own spiritual self-empowerment. The awakening I’ve had was a result of a life-long journey, from which you can learn.

What I’ve written allows you to be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.

There is no correct doctrine to read or right way to believe. You are only asked to be open to learning as you read, and believe you have the power to find answers within.

You are likely to begin a new awakening by freeing your mind of existing constraints and limiting beliefs. You will be taught to become empowered to find your own path, develop new beliefs, and reach your own conclusions.

This is a journey of self-empowerment.

Who am I? My name is Bruce J and I am an inspirational teacher and spiritual author. I am also highly intuitive.

The wisdom I share is available to anyone through the power of their mind. I have been on a lifetime journey of self-discovery, and now I want for you to join me.

The knowledge I share helps address questions people may have as they embark on a quest of self-discovery, self-development, and self-awakening.

Please understand the knowledge shared is not affiliated with any religion or religious institution, as it is based upon wisdom received from a higher consciousness, or what I refer to as a Connectedness Stream of Consciousness.

I do not claim to have special powers, only a trained ability to attune to, and listen to, a higher frequency. It is through my focused attention I am able to tap into a higher consciousness. This is an energy stream which exists within all of us.

Be open-minded and discover what you can learn as you Read and Believe.

This is my journey, which I have been sharing with others through my website and blog posts, and now you are included.

My Wish for You: Once you have discovered your own ability to find answers for yourself, perhaps you will begin your own transformational journey of discovery and personal awakening. My wish is you will learn to discover your higher power and listen to the wisdom and insight available to you.

With love for all,

Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author

You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book

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