How do you feel or react, whenever you read the news of someone famous who has passed away, apparently from an act of suicide?
Do you feel surprised, shocked, saddened, something more, or all of these combined in some manner? Or do you relate to the feelings of negativity that person must have experienced prior to engaging in such a life-altering act?
With this post Bruce J. explore feelings of negativity that grow within, and how you can learn to break from those feelings.
Those Who Seem to Have It All, But Do Not Feel It
There was a celebrity musician who was well-known to many who seemed to have battled deep depression all her life, and finally one day, she ended the struggle on her own. Now from all outward appearances, it looked as if she had everything a person could want. Consider the fame, money, children, and even a long-term loving husband. I do not claim to know anything specific about these elements in her life, and yet like most people, we assessed her on the outward appearances of her life.
And therein lies the problem with outward appearances, and how deceiving it can be to look at a person and think you know them. As I’ve read more about this particular celebrity, I was deeply moved by her lifelong struggles with severe depression, and nothing could help her, including medication. When you saw her in public, it was similar to seeing an iceberg. You could see only a fraction of the real person. Underneath, there was much more involved, and it was something very dark. This disease (as she called it) was all-consuming, a dark cloud of negativity that she seemed to know was going to likely get the best of her one day.
I really felt a tremendous sense of uneasiness about this entire situation, simply because I resonated with aspects of what I’ve read about her life. I’m not about to compare my life to hers. Yet I relate to childhood trauma and how it can follow you throughout your entire life. I’ve heard many people talk about how resilient children are, and while this may be true, childhood trauma doesn’t always just disappear either. I have memories locked away, causing me to not even remember many years of my youth, simply as a self-protective, subconscious measure. The trauma I do remember in some detail, has haunted me throughout my life. I also fought depression and thoughts of no longer wanting to go on.
So first let me state very clearly: I am not a licensed therapist, counselor, or mental health expert. If you read this and resonate with it from any aspect, other than from a spiritual aspect, please seek appropriate mental health treatment.
Since I have been on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, I wanted to know from a spiritual perspective, how to change attunement away from negative energy and back towards some form of positive energy, for healing and thriving.
My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.
Dear Ones: What creates a dark cloud, when someone leaves their physical body, is the immediate feeling of absence, or the loss of a physical connection. Now consider anyone who hears or reads about this person leaving their physical existence. What creates negativity, or attunement to the negative energy stream, are the words used and images developed within their mind. The more dramatic, horrific, and/or terrifying the events of a loss may have been, or perceived to have been, the greater the pull towards negativity it will create.
These reactions are all emotional-based: “I feel loss; therefore, I am sad”. “I imagine terrible things, events, or occurrences; therefore, I am upset”.
Mental Pictures: The mind uses words to create mental pictures. This occurs every day, especially as information is gathered from the senses, and you respond to external circumstances. Together these words and pictures create a loop. If you allow this loop to continue, your thinking will be held in a pattern, for good or otherwise. It is possible to be stuck in a loop for more than a day, if you continue to repeat negative words and images.
Here’s an example: You are not receiving needed answers for your life at the moment. Words start popping up like “failure” – “uncertainty” – “afraid” – and so on. Then a picture forms in your mind, of problems you fear that might occur. It may be a worst-case scenario.
Here’s another example: A person makes a comment to you that just does not sit well with you. Words form in your mind, related to being annoyed, perturbed, frustrated, and so on. A picture may form in your mind of how much this person bothers you.
The problem with words and pictures is the subjective nature of them. Both are the product of emotional responses. Both words formed and images developed may not be based upon reality, but rather perceptions of reality.
Mental Illness: Therein is the problem for a person with mental illness.
When you hear of someone talking about “the lies the disease will tell”, this is really about the perception, or mental images and words developed and replayed by the person who has been diagnosed with mental illness.
And yet, it can be an issue for anyone, not just someone who has been specifically diagnosed.
Distortions of Self: A person who is labeled with a mental illness, is someone who is self-aware of their issue, or at least someone close to them is.
But there are many other in society who are suffering from the same types of distortions of self, who have never sought treatment of any kind.
When someone is struggling with their mental well-being, they often have a distorted sense of self and reaction to events they see or experience. Even the most minor event, from the perspective of an average person, can trigger deep despair to a person who feels as if there is a dark cloud of negativity surrounding them. In other words, small events can prompt strong, negative words and images within the person’s mind.
Understanding Mental Illness: The phrase “mental illness” is challenging to understand fully, as it gives a connotation of someone who is completely off-base from a mindset perspective. Yet there are degrees of mental illness, and these can be addressed by the appropriate qualified professionals.
What is even more concerning to the average person, those who have never sought treatment, are the moments when they feel darkness come over them.
For many, it is a result of trauma they carry with them and try to hide or ignore. One of the most damaging forms of trauma that can last a lifetime is childhood trauma. The psychological and damaging effects can leave a dark cloud that remains close by – even after treatment has been sought.
Letting the Sunshine In: Uplifting Your Spirit
If you feel darkened despair, please seek treatment.
If it is your spirit that has been pulled towards negativity because of an event or occurrence, and you want to let the sunshine back in, please proceed.
When you begin the process of telling yourself negative words, you must interrupt this thought flow.
Yes, you can tell yourself every negative word you can think of now, but what would happen if you told yourself the exact opposite? Which would feel better? Which would uplift your spirit? Ask yourself this question: Aren’t you tired of putting yourself down?
As the negative words begin, just stop and make a simple statement: “I want to feel good about myself”.
Then think of three positive words about yourself, even if it takes a minute or two to do so. Name a person whom you love and they know of your love. Think of an accomplishment, regardless of the date. Name one thing about yourself you love.
If the negative images have begun, it is time to redecorate. Imagine calling in a world-renowned decorator to clean up the image or images. You are going to put on a fresh coat of paint, change the scenery, fly to a new location, bring a loved one here to show the changes, and/or do anything in your mind to uplift how you feel and make this a positive image. Even if the images were the most horrific vision you could have ever imagined, clean it up and renew your mind again.
Negativity is Real, So is Positivity
The essence of negativity is energetic by nature, which means positivity is energetic as well. If you consider the manner in which electricity is balanced, the duality of negative and positive energy must coexist. This means you can feel negative energy at times. The goal is not to stay focused on it, to the point you feel as if there is a dark cloud hanging over you.
When you feel a sense of negativity, or when negative words and images come into your mind, you need to find a way to rehabilitate those perceptions, so that you can feel good once again. If you are stuck within an unending cycle of pain and hurt, always remember there is professional help available for you.
For your mental well-being, from a spiritual perspective, you have an innate ability to uplift yourself back to a state of happiness and joy. It’s a matter of tuning out self-destructive, perceptual thoughts, and focusing on life-affirming statements that help renew your sense of resilience and inner peace.
Are you ready to finally break free from feelings of negativity?
Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.
With love for all,
Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author
You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book