Law of Attraction: The Flow and Balance of Energy

There is much to learn about energy, and even as you discover new aspects about energy, it can still take time to fully comprehend how it works. There are universal truths about energy that help to provide a foundation upon which to develop a better understanding of energy, as well as the Laws of the Universe.

With this post Bruce J. shares what more he’s learned about Law of Attraction, which is one of many of the Laws of the Universe, from the perspective of energy in and around us.

My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.

A Universal Truth: Energy Flows from One Living Being to Another

• Energy cannot be contained,

• Energy is always in motion,

• Energy cannot be controlled,

• Energy is transmitted,

• Energy is experienced as vibrations,

• Energy is received through conduits such as the mind,

• And Energy flows from one being to another.

In order for energy to flow, it must be focused through some form that can be received with one of the five senses by the receiver.

• The sender can use a touch, a gesture, a sound, or even a thought.

• The receiver must be attuned to the sender to accept and understand it.

• A touch from a stranger would likely go unnoticed and if acknowledged, that energy would not flow as the person is not attuned to that other person.

Developing Relationships: When two people form a close relationship, they have actually become practiced being attuned to each other, which allows their energy to flow easily to and from each other.

Feeling Love: What is referred to as love is a connection of energy that is experienced as a strong current. The connection through the mind as a conduit is the strongest, as the mind has a direct connection to the bodily functions.

The Power of the Mind: The mind is the strongest of all conduits as it can receive and project energy. The mind uses thoughts to form a system of electrical circuits that are alive and pulsating at all times, even when sleeping.

Sustaining an Energetic Connection: To maintain a loving relationship, there needs to be sustained energetic connection. This requires active focus and flowing of energy from one being to another. And just like all energy, there is a positive and negative aspect. A person can be closely attuned to negative energy and in doing so, project it to the person they are in close relationship with because of the established connection.

When one person states the other is no longer the same person, it means their flow and transmission of energy has changed. Those two people may still have a connection, but it will be weak if they are both not focused on the same energy wave length source.

A Universal Truth: Energy is Balanced

There isn’t more positive energy than negative energy. It is all equal. In order for energy to be sustained, it must have an equal flow of positive and negative energy.

• As positive and negative energy moves towards the center, where the two would be considered to meet, it is a neutral point that is neither positive or negative.

• It is from the neutral center that two distinct “branches” are experienced, one flowing in a positive current and one flowing equally strong as a negative current.

There isn’t a right or wrong, only degrees of energy.

Trying to Understand Energy: As man has come to understand energy, a name had to be given to it to explain what it is and that is how words such as “God” and “source” came to be. “God” was associated with positive energy as that spectrum produces feelings of love and joy and vitality and peace. When focused or attuned to positive energy, it can appear that miracles can occur.

But then there is negative energy and a vibration that attracts the unwanted. A character named the “devil” was developed, an extension of the word “evil”, as a means of creating fear for that type of energy. Later that word “devil” was used to create control over others and conditions to overcome it, as if it can be avoided.

Negative energy will always exist. It is not inherently evil but a function or process that creates a balance, one that is needed for energy to be sustained. When people experience what they consider to be bad or evil circumstances, they pray. What they are doing is a vibrational shift, or an attempt to change their circumstances.

When they can shift their vibration, then a change occurs and they believe that “God” has heard them and answered their prayers, when what they did, they did on their own – shift vibration to positive energy.

Again, there is no right or wrong with energy.

• A person can choose either frequency.

• A person can choose positive and experience ease and flow in their life.

• A person can also attune to negative energy and experience a wide variety of challenges and problems.

Neither way is correct as it all is a part of the balance of energy.

What Teachers Can and Cannot Do: Those who seek to inspire others do so by creating a shift in the vibration – and they can only help to prompt the desire, they cannot change the vibration of someone else.

Changing Your Vibration: How does a person change their vibration and what they are attuned to? Through their primary transmitter: Their brain, with focus and their thoughts.

Are you ready to harness the power of energy flowing to and through you?

Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.

With love for all,

Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author

You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book

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