Laws of the Universe: Law of Interaction

Bruce J. has been learning about the Laws of the Universe, and sharing what he’s learned.

With this post, he is sharing what he’s learned about another Law of the Universe, specifically the Law of Interaction.

This very basic, yet powerful law, further expands upon what is known about energy and life in our world.

My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.

A Universal Truth: Everything there is in existence, everything that was created, everything that will be made or thought or written, is done because of the Law of Interaction.

The Law of Interaction states:

•  Energy is sustained by the interaction of positive and negative streams.

•  The higher power, a form of energy from the Source of Life, is sustained by the interaction of wisdom, insight, and knowledge with human minds sending or transmitting signals that require (or request) guidance.

•  Collective consciousness is sustained by the interaction of energy flowing to and from the human mind, through impulses or signals that transmit new memories, ideas, words, images, and all that humans think about.

•  New writings, music, paintings, drawings, ideas, inspiration, insight, and much more are a result of the interaction of a mind willing to tap into infinite wisdom, creativity, and knowledge – with the source of all that is or higher order Infinite Intelligence. This interaction may become so practiced that the ideas flow naturally and easily, to the point the person just has to focus briefly and receive.

Some people tap into this interactive state not really understanding the process but knowing it works as they have seen the results. Others may give it a name or attribute it to a divine cause. But everything is a result of an energetic state, an interaction of the signals which the mind transmits.

The mind is always producing thoughts and some of those thoughts interact with past memories, tapping into one end of the energy spectrum. Some thoughts are processing events of the day and that is often when inspiration comes through, when there are fewer filters ready to block it out or hide it.

The Law of Interaction teaches that we cannot live without interacting. We wake up and interact with our environment. We interact with others. But the most important interactions are those going on in our mind.

If we allow our mind to just wander, and thoughts to change from one subject to the next without purpose, we are missing out on important interactions with higher order collective consciousness.

Seeking Answers: There are answers to life we all seek, we all want wisdom of some kind, or at least direction of some variety. This is evident in those who pray. When our minds are active, and focused, we have an opportunity to interact with a higher power in a purposeful manner. That form of interaction, which is controlled, focused, thought, or sending out a signal seeking knowledge and wisdom, allows powerful insight to be transmitted to you.

The Law of Interaction can occur naturally or without having to request it, and it can also occur as a focused process.

The Law of Interaction also has a direct bearing on how people get along as they are face to face. When two people are speaking to each other, it is still an energetic process with humans sending or transmitting signals. While you are involved in a physical or human interaction, it is still possible to receive guidance from your higher power. This requires focus, calm, and intent. It then becomes a matter of interacting on a physical level and paying attention to that interaction, while also being open and receptive to receiving wisdom and insight from higher order consciousness. It is possible for a human mind to be interacting from two perspectives, as long as you are poised, calm, focused, and carefully listening.

Are you ready to focus on the energetic interactions you’re involved in?

Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.

With love for all,

Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author

You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book

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