As you think about your life and what may be ahead of you, are you looking forward to it, or do you feel any hesitation or sense of foreboding?
At the end of the day, when you are ready to finally go to bed, are you happy or concerned about the next day? Do you feel as if you can never escape the past, no matter how hard you try to create a new future for yourself?
These are not random questions. These are questions meant to assess your state of mind, especially as related to conditions that lead to fear.
In this new post Bruce J. explores the essence of fear, gains wisdom from his higher power, and shares this wisdom to help empower you to face your fears head-on.
These questions are about worries, which can lead to anxiety and fear, whether it consciously enters into a person’s waking thoughts, or resides in the back of their mind. When you look at the essence of these questions what you find is usually something fear-based. It may be an emotional reaction to events that cannot be controlled, or it may seem uncontrollable at some point in the future.
Where People First Seek Assistance
When someone feels discomfort long enough or strong enough, it is not uncommon for this person to want to turn to someone else to find help, relief, answers, or assistance.
For many, the answer is sought from a religious leader. The typical response received is to trust a higher power, or someone who has already created a plan for their life, and to await answers. This is also referred to as having faith. For someone in need of immediate answers to alleviate fear, it may or may not bring about a sense of relief, depending upon the degree of faith the person is willing to sustain.
For New Age or alternative spirituality teachers, they often have a similar response, only phrases such as “The Universe” or “Infinite Intelligence” and “Source” may be used in place of a higher power. But the message is usually similar, that a person must await assistance from some higher power that has control of all living beings.
In all of these examples, the answers are sought externally, whether intentionally or by the direction of someone in a position of perceived authority.
You Have the Power Inside of You
What I have learned through my own journey, and what I teach now, is this: The answers you need can come from within. You do not need to seek answers outside of you. Through the power of your mind, which is a transmitter and receiver, you have immediate access to a higher power. This gives you a source you can rely upon at all times.
Learning how to connect to a higher power only takes practice and time. You must be open-minded and willing to set aside pre-conceived religious and/or spiritual teachings, and be ready to accept new ideas.
What I recommend is you find a journal and begin to write, as you find quiet time to do so, as this will help you learn to focus your thoughts. This is how I learned to reflect, and I soon filled many journals with my thoughts. I also realized what I was writing was coming from another source, and it was then I realized I was attuning or tapping into a higher power. The most important purpose of using a journal is that at first it may simply help calm you down as you develop a sense of control over your thoughts.
The more you practice doing this, the stronger you will become, until you will find you can easily plug into it. This is where I am now in my own developmental journey.
The topic of fear is also something I wanted to learn more about as I was connected to my higher power. I will share with you what I learned about living with and controlling fear.
My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.
A universal truth is this: People fear most what they are able to control the least.
This is why so much effort is put into planning for the future, investing in quick fix solutions to change physical appearances, purchasing objects of perceived value or anything which will serve as a reminder of one’s advanced position in society, and/or working fervently in a career, hoping for recognition, advancement, and reward for years of service put in.
The idea of control seems much more possible at a younger age, while starting out a new career or life. There is the saying about a person having an entire life available to them and ahead of them are many possibilities. What that saying doesn’t provide is a roadmap for finding such vast and unending possibilities as most people live their life hoping something comes along based upon their efforts, desires, and wishes.
But as time goes on, and efforts fail to produce substantial changes or results in a person’s life or career, reality sets in, along with many negative feelings. This is when a once promising career or job can begin to feel like a prison or a trap. The same is true for a relationship which once seemed engaging and highly connected.
The older a person becomes in age, the further back they are now able to look, and if they are not careful, it is possible to get stuck in the past full of memories and imagined scenarios of what could have or should have taken place. This can create deep feelings of regret and anxiety, even a sense of time having passed by, and a new fear of what little time may be perceived as being left to live.
When the future may seem so uncertain and difficult to visualize, the only images a mind can draw upon are those stored in the form of memories. For most people, the negative memories seem to gain much more attention than the positive ones. It’s as if the feeling of fear about the future causes a person to then reflect on equally unsettling past events.
What is the Essence of Fear?
Fear Defined: Fear is usually described in the same manner, as an emotional reaction to events or built-in paranoias about certain circumstances or conditions. Fear may be induced by conditions, such as the dark, and fear may cause a fight or flight response.
A person might be afraid of germs, insects, or any other psychological related condition. But at the core of fearful feelings is an energetic imbalance. It is the complete opposite end of the energy spectrum, which means it is the contrast to positive energy. If something is void of positive energy, there can be no redeeming qualities about it. This means a person can never feel good while in a state of being afraid. This is a negative form of energy which is so deeply powerful it can cause physiological reactions as well.
Fear as an Emotional Reaction: The reason why fear is such a common emotional reaction is that people are not told to believe in their own connection to the source of life energy. Those who learn about it, such as those who are reading this now, are the ones who emerge from the self-imposed mindset limitations developed by humans, and more specifically, religious leaders. When the answer to questions about life is to pray and wait on someone or some other entity, people must await an answer. They are not taught connection.
Separation is Not Natural: The feeling of separation, between a person and their natural connection to a higher power, is not a natural condition.
This is why the negative stream of energy can exist so powerfully within humans. There are so many people who seem unhappy, depressed, disconnected, sad, and worse. These are the people who do not feel their prayers are answered or they cannot find answers to their questions from the religious or spiritual teachers they seek out. The more they ask, and the less they can find help and relief, the more disconnected they become. This mindset blockage grows stronger over time and creates a strong negative energetic current within a person. This can manifest in a number of internal and external ways, from physical to mental illness.
How to Control Your Fears
What most authors write about when they address fear, is how to control your fears. But controlling fear is like trying to control a wildfire. You can attempt to put it out, you can douse it with water, but you can never actually control it. It must run its course or be redirected.
A Solution to Fear: A better solution is to acknowledge what is being experienced and felt, and then decide this is not how you want to live your life. More importantly, you have to decide you are the one who is now going to take control. This will be challenging at first as you may have already tried to pray or seek other spiritual teachers. But the source of the answers is within you. You only fear what you do not yet know.
Discovering Your True Source of Power: You can turn within and discover your true source of power, the connection to the source of life energy. This is what you want to focus on as fear tries to enter into your conscious thought process. How do you find your true source of power? You begin to redirect your focus. Think of any happy memory or thought. Write down your best accomplishments and any memories which brought you joy. You do not need to evaluate these memories, only write them done and experience the feelings of them.
Then as you begin to focus on positive memories, continue this practice until you become so well focused on the process you change the direction of your mindset and turn away or attune to positive energy.
There will be times you are going to have negative emotional interruptions; however, once you discover the process of finding your true power through positive feelings, you will learn to quickly return your focus. The power of positive thoughts is the ability of those memories to help you attune to a higher power, which is your connection to unlimited wisdom, knowledge, and insight. It is accessed and felt and experienced through the positive energy spectrum or positive feelings.
Redirect Your Thoughts: Learning a process of redirecting your thoughts does not mean you will no longer be fearful. If you have conditioned yourself to living in fear of something or someone, this is not going to change overnight. But the more you practice changing your focus, the more you will learn how you are able to control how you feel and how you experience this world. Those fearful feelings may in fact be valid in some manner, based upon the reason why they were attached to your mindset, but you no longer need to be controlled by them.
Live a Fearless Life: You can learn to live a fearless life by directing the thoughts of your mind. As you practice intentional thinking, or focusing your thoughts in a positive manner, you will find yourself feeling better. You will no longer want to experience the negativity associated with fear. Feeling happy is your natural state.
It’s a matter of learning to control those moments when your thoughts begin to turn towards negativity. Once you are practiced in taking this form of action, and becoming consciously aware of anything that prompts fear, you will find yourself controlling it quickly and easily.
Are you ready to free yourself of negative emotions and debilitating fear, once and for all?
Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.
With love for all,
Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author
You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book