How You Can Learn to Listen to Your Inner Guidance

Have you ever felt a moment of worry, anxiety, or panic, when you were uncertain where to turn, who to talk to, or how you were going to find answers?

Now contrast this feeling with a time when you made a decision, and you were feeling self-assured, in that you knew what you were doing was based upon sound knowledge and intuition.

The difference was knowing or trusting you had, and could reply upon, knowledge you possessed to address the particular situation. In this post Bruce J. will help you learn how to find knowledge you can trust, by learning to listen to the guidance available within you.

Facing Uncertainty

When faced with uncertainty, it could be a result of a crisis of some kind, a new situation, something new or unfamiliar being experienced, and for whatever the reason, you didn’t initially believe you could rely upon yourself. In addition, fear, doubt, worry, panic, and anxiety comes from not knowing where to turn or who to ask for assistance. For those who are religious by nature, there may be a hope someone or some Divine Being will come to help.

In contrast, if you face any of those same situations and think to yourself it is possible to address it, based upon what you know already, then you’ll proceed with confidence. It feels like a sense of intuition, when you just know you can handle a new or unexpected situation, something that is often referred to as a gut instinct. You may not have an exact answer immediately available, but you are confident you have the wherewithal to find the answer. What you are actually doing is relying upon your built-in navigational GPS inner guidance for answers, whether or not you are aware of its presence.

My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.

What’s required of you to trust your inner guidance? There are two primary elements, and those include your acceptance and belief. Now if you are not thinking of your internal knowing as your inner being, and you simply rely upon what you know as your own knowledge, gut instinct, or intelligence, then you are not going to question what it is you possess. You will simply accept it. If you have a tendency to seek the help of others when you need answers, even if your “hunch” or internal gut instinct is present, then the need to believe is going to be even stronger.

You can trust your inner guidance by what you feel is right. This will always be your most reliable source for evaluating acceptance of any knowledge and insight you receive within your mind, which is a transmitter and receiver of information energetically. In other words, you will inherently know if what you are gaining from your inner being is real and something you can believe in.

If you are someone who has a need to seek the help of others, whenever answers or assistance is needed, then you will need to let go of any pre-conceived ideas about who has access to this internal knowledge. Every person has an inner being, with an energetic connection to a higher power.

Gaining Your Own Wisdom

How do you begin to gain wisdom intentionally, at any time? What you should know is your inner being is always there, providing wisdom, whether you’ve recognized it or not. This valuable knowledge that you need, to help live and improve your life, comes through the path of least resistance.

Flashes of insight will come about when you are most relaxed or not feeling any resistance. For example, it could occur while eating dinner, taking a shower, watching a movie, playing a game, smoking, walking, gardening, hiking, about to fall asleep, and other similar types of activities.

If you want to consciously recognize what’s being shared, and ask questions, you have an ability to do so. This must be done intentionally, which means you are taking time to seek out the answers you need in a focused and patient manner. You must be willing to be patient, as your inner being is not like a search engine, until you have taken time to practice.

I have been writing in journals and learning to attune or listen for many years, to the point I can now easily ask a question and receive wisdom, even if I am in a noisy environment. The more you practice listening, the more knowledge you too will receive. First you have to learn patience, then trust in what you are receiving as information comes to mind.

Barriers to Receiving Inner Guidance

One of the most prominent barriers to receiving knowledge from your inner being is the question: Can I do this myself?

Religious institutions want to divide, separate, and control access to your inner being. Religious leaders teach you to believe they are the ones who have a divine right to receive any spiritually-related knowledge and pass it along to you, edited to their preferences and preferred dogma.

Yet your inner being is connected to your mind through a free flow of energy. This is your inner essence, available unrestricted to you, and you have unlimited access to knowledge you need.

Four Steps to Connect with Your Inner Being

Your inner guidance is available to you at all times. If you want to consciously connect with the wisdom available to you, there are steps you can learn, just as I have done.

Step One: Review Your Beliefs

Ask yourself these important questions: What do you believe now about your inner being? What can you believe about accessing internal guidance? Are you willing to believe in a higher power being accessible through your inner essence, or your inner being? Can you accept your own ability to connect with your inner being?

These questions can help you with the initial preparations as your beliefs will determine how effectively you’re able to attune to your inner being. Any doubts you may have will cause internalized barriers, leading only to frustration. It doesn’t mean you are cut off from the wisdom you seek, as you can never be cut off, but it means you will create your own restrictions within your mind. If you are willing to believe, or begin to believe, you will put yourself on a path to greater understanding and answers to questions you may have about your life.

Step Two: Prepare to Attune to Positive Energy

What does it mean to attune to something? Think of your mind as a transmitter. Your mind receives and transmits information at an energetic level. For example, when you are reading these words, how do you believe it occurs? It is done through an energetic process within your mind, with the brain providing the physical elements necessary. If you remember something, how is it stored? It is stored energetically within your mind. Now think of your energetic essence, or inner being, or what some would call your soul. That is where the heart of you is at or located. It is also connected at all times to a higher power, which is important, as the wisdom you can receive is vast.

The mind is always connected to your inner being. If you have a belief system that is ready and willing to accept your ability to attune to your inner being, you can now find yourself in a readiness state. To prepare to attune, it is also important to consider your environment. I recommend you be alone to begin with, eliminate all possible distractions, and be certain you do not have technology around to distract you.

The last recommendation is to have something to write with available, along with blank paper to take notes. I began by writing in journals, to help with the free-writing process.

The most important aspect of this step is this: You must be in a positive state of mind yourself, or focused on positive energy. If you are in a negative state of mind, you are only going to attract negative energy, and this will not facilitate the type of attunement you are seeking. Attunement to positive energy is the only manner in which you can seek and receive guidance related to you, your future, and your well-being.

Step Three: Learn to Be Quiet and Listen

You can really learn to clear out the thoughts in your mind if you are in a quiet environment, though for me, I have found ambient music is helpful. At times I use spa-like music, Native American flute music, violin music, or something similar, and it is always without words. I find music of this type to be helpful in making a connection to my higher power.

It does take time and practice to set aside your thoughts, and what I imagine is putting each thought into a book, then putting that book away on a bookshelf, to help me clear out my mind. Then I focus on a question, something important, and listen. I also imagine being in a library and my spirit guides help me find the right book to answer my question, so that I know when something comes through, it is not my own thinking. You’ll know what’s received is the answer by what you feel.

Step Four: Trust the Wisdom and Implement It

Initially it may be surprising to think you can connect with your inner being and receive wisdom, especially answers that help guide your life. It may also take you time to trust the wisdom received. Yet the longer you become practiced with the process, the easier it becomes, especially as you learn to clear out your thoughts and focus on a question to ask.

You should know this is not a magical process with guaranteed results, such as receiving lottery numbers, the name of a spouse, whether or not you should leave someone, and so on. What this process involves is attunement to positive energy, along with making a connection to a higher power. What this means is you can gain the right wisdom at the right time. It may not always be what you want to hear or what you think you need. But it will be what you need, always. In time you will understand you can trust the wisdom received and know you can implement it.

Now It’s Your Turn

Your inner being has been, and always will be, available to you. You need no one but yourself to access wisdom from a higher power. It is possible to teach yourself how to use the mind as a transmitter and receiver, once you believe in your own self-empowerment to have unrestricted access. Only your doubts and fears can stand in the way of what’s available to you. When you’re ready, you can begin. The potential you have to connect and receive knowledge, insight, and wisdom is unlimited, and solely within your control. When you trust your inner guidance, your life can be transformed.

Are you ready to begin listening to your inner guidance?

Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.

With love for all,

Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author

You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book

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