Discover the Energetic Essence of Love for Spiritual Renewal

Do you find it challenging to feel love, whether it’s love for others, or love for yourself? Are you seeing little evidence of love around you anymore? 

It seems there is so much negativity surrounding us, both in the news and social media, which means it can be challenging at times to stay positive and focused on feelings of love – whether it’s the love of others or self-love.

In this new post Bruce J. explores the energy of love. More specifically, he shares what he’s learned about love as an energy that can be used for spiritual well-being and renewal.

My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.

Dear Ones: You awaken and a new day has begun for you automatically. The world was set in motion already, with events of the day occurring regardless of your immediate involvement. Your daily engagement with life defines a role for you to fulfill, and as a result of completing your role, other lives may also be impacted – either directly or indirectly.

You can view your life in this manner:

• Waking up and engaging in life matters: First to you and the goals or dreams you’ve established. Then to others who come into contact with you, and/or choose to be in relationship with you.

No one awakens each day to a life of no meaning and purpose, regardless of how bleak circumstances may seem or become at times. And no one lives without touching the lives of others at some point in time as well.

But to live your life as you should, to awaken and feel prepared to live in this world, with the potential for emotional, physical, financial, and mental challenges, you must learn to be recharged from the inside out.

The very core of who you are, your spiritual well-being, requires ongoing maintenance.

Many believe weekly attendance, or filing in and out of a religious institution, is enough to care for their spiritual self. Yet spiritual maintenance is not an obligation, and does not require penance, rather it’s connecting with the power and potential of your higher power.

Your Energetic Being

For most people, a conversation about higher power being sounds too far out of the realm of mainstream religious thinking to be understood. Yet the easiest way to view yourself is through the lens of an energetic being. Your body is made up of energy, and within you exists an energetic core, one that powers or gives life to you. It’s that energetic core is connected to your higher power. And it’s your higher power that provides a source of knowledge and wisdom to draw upon.

Finding Spiritual Renewal

Now as to spiritual renewal, or caring for yourself from the inside out, the most powerful energy of all is love. When you tap into the emotion and feeling of love, you can recharge yourself in a very powerful manner. But this isn’t always an easy task, as there are often more reasons to feel negative, than to allow love to dominate.

Tapping Into the Energy of Love

You can allow yourself to tap into the powerful energy of love with the following strategies.

Begin with self-love:

This is the form of love which is the most nourishing and fulfilling for all aspects of your well-being, including your spiritual well-being. It’s the purest, most selfless form of love possible. Begin by finding one small thing to love about yourself. Perhaps it’s your hair, your smile, or something else that is seemingly small.

Then you can add to it week-by-week, until one day you love the entirety of yourself. Once you do, you’ll find the problems of life are easier to bear, as you trust yourself to find your way and obtain the answers you need.

Then try another form of love:

After self-love, try this form of love: Use the same approach as described above, but this time for a spouse, friend, or someone who is close to you. Begin with something small about this person, and week-by-week, add to it until you love the whole person without condition.

Watch how the relationship evolves over time, how you are able to overlook flaws and forgive what seems like slights and misunderstandings, and feel how much more fulfilling it becomes.

Tapping Into the Emotion of Love

As you tap into the emotion of love, you will feel it deeply, which means you are feeling it at a spiritual level. This is also the easiest manner in which you can connect with your higher power, when you are feeling good, and in a positive frame of mind.

A New Approach for A New Day

When you wake up tomorrow, try not to worry about life and what’s going on around you. Instead, focus on the feeling of love, especially love for yourself.

• Express gratitude for having a life to love and care for, then watch how your day progresses with this intention as a setpoint.

Love is a powerful energy and one you can use at any time for spiritual balance and renewal.

Are you ready now to tap into the energy and renewal of love?

Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.

With love for all,

Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author

You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book

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