Learn to Tap Into the Wisdom of Your Higher Power

When you need answers to questions that are important in your life, do you feel as if you have someone or some place to turn to for answers? Can those same sources also help you find and experience self-renewal?

There is one essential life-giving resource all can draw upon for wisdom, along with energetic, spiritual, and emotional renewal. This is the same resource that can guide your day, give you a sense of purpose and hope, and restore your sense of faith that you are meant to do more in life than just exist. It is learning to tap into the wisdom of your higher power, which you have access to at all times.

In this new post, Bruce J. shares what he has learned about tapping into our higher power, so that he could share it with you and inspire you to practice it on your own.

My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.

Dear Ones: The traditional teachings tell most people that if they want to find answers for questions about their lives, they must look outside of themselves. What most aren’t taught about is the powerful connection they have within. You do this as an energetic being, a human made of positive and negative energy, with a mind transmitting to, and receiving from, a higher power.

“Always On” Connection: Your connection is always available. Yet it can be blocked or limited by your beliefs or disbeliefs. For example, if you were to state, “I cannot be in control of my destiny or my life, because I read something in a book, or a person told me so,” then you are limiting yourself – and cutting yourself off from the access you naturally have at all times.

Religious Influence: You are taught to believe people are evaluated by their worthiness and right to receive access to greater wisdom. Yet in reality, you are an energetic being. When you came into a physical body, you retained an energetic essence, one that is still connected to the connectedness stream of consciousness. It is energetic and ongoing, and it is part of the energy that is needed to sustain all of life, and all of the universe. Everything is energy, and all is balanced by it.

Understanding a Higher Power: So as an energetic human being, connected to a higher power, what exactly are you connected to? In other words, what is a higher power?

Let’s start with your mind, a transmitter and receiver of energy. A higher power is a connectedness stream of energy or a stream of living entities who transmit and receive thought forms. This is what your mind is connecting to, this steady stream of living thought forms.

Let’s continue now with what this consciousness is, that your mind is connecting to, through the steady stream. What you are connecting to is a higher consciousness, which is a collective of all thought forms ever in existence. It consists of positive and negative energy.

The Duality of Energy: The higher consciousness stores both forms of energy, both positive and negative. Negative thoughts are stored in negative energy, and the positive thoughts are stored in positive energy. The duality is needed to sustain energy, similar to electricity. This is why it is easy to think a negative thought, then find yourself thinking many other negative thoughts. You are drawing in a negative energetic stream. This is also why positive thinking is so widely emphasized, as the converse is true. You can think positive thoughts, and draw in positive energy to you.

Here’s the most important lesson to be learned about being connected to the connectedness stream of consciousness, and believing in your ability to access a higher power: You have access to the wisdom needed to help address issues, questions, concerns, and problems about life. It takes your belief, and you must learn to listen.

A Religious Perspective: Many people do it now and think of it from a religious perspective.

Here’s an example: “I prayed non-stop and finally my prayers were answered by ________”.

What actually happened was this: You learned to listen, you believed, and you accessed your higher power on your own. When you finally accepted the wisdom received, it felt as if someone or something was answering your request, when in reality you did it on your own.

Tap Into Your Power: Anyone can access their higher power, following somewhat similar steps, but doing it from a self-empowerment perspective.

To Begin: Find some place where you can focus quietly for a few minutes, and without interruption or technology.

Next: State what you believe. For example: I believe I am connected to a higher power. I believe I can access my higher power.

Next: State what you are seeking. Perhaps you want to begin with a question, as a means of focusing your thoughts.

Next: Sit quietly and focus for about five to ten minutes, while filing away your thoughts of the day. An answer may not come through right away, but trust that it will in time.

Finally: Conclude with an affirming belief: I will receive guidance, the right guidance, when I need it.

From this point on, you will likely receive flashes of insight and wisdom during times when you are engaged in other activities and least expect it. You will need time and practice to trust what you have received is higher order wisdom. But you will know, as it will be wisdom greater than anything you could have developed on your own.

With time as well, the answers will flow easily to you during your quiet moments, just as it does for this author now. His answers have come about much quicker now, through years of meditative practice.

You are In Control: There are no rules or guidelines regarding the wisdom you have access to, as no one is in control of the access you have to your higher power. You control your ability to receive wisdom from your higher power through your belief, and you limit it through your disbelief.

Once you learn of your ability to access your higher power wisdom, your life will change. Suddenly you will feel empowered to seek out guidance, rather than fear decisions or the future.

This will bring about peace to your life, and help you find meaning for your every day. From now on, time belongs to you, as you will feel in control.

What will you do from now on, as you learn to make the most of your connection? Are you ready to tap into and discover the wisdom of your higher power?

Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.

With love for all,

Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author

You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book

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