What is it you need or hope for or want more than anything?
If someone had the power to grant you a wish, what might you ask for with your one and only chance?
Those are powerful questions to consider, and the reason why: Many people would choose money and describe it as the one reason they are lacking what they need in life.
In this new blog post, Bruce J. talks about happiness and the reasons why you can (and should) be happy at all times.
My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.
Dear Ones: I am going to state something to you that you intuitively should know already, a universal truth which may likely be difficult to accept: Money cannot make you happy or cause you to feel lasting happiness inside.
While I understand what a gift of money can do, such as evoke temporary feelings that all will be well again, it will not ever change who you are within. In other words, if you were always an unhappy person, you will still be an unhappy person – just with money now.
Relationships and Happiness: This is why many relationships do not last, or relationships continue in discord when two people are clearly unable to make it work. One person in the relationship has sought out another and has done so, consciously or sometimes subconsciously, to fulfill something inside of them that has not yet been resolved. Yet a problem quickly arises when the other person cannot be the answer to the unresolved issue or problem.
This is true for another person, even for someone who you have labeled as your soulmate. While this other person can help elicit euphoric feelings, along with physical or chemical reactions which excite you, another person cannot maintain your inner peace. There is only so much physicality that can keep you happy, and sustain a sense of well-being, in the long-term. When you react to another person physically, those feelings are often temporary, which explains why affairs do not usually end well.
Finding Happiness: There is but one hope for establishing internal peace and sustaining it: It comes from your intention to be happy and take responsibility for your own happiness.
Would you like to start a journey, an intentional, step-by-step plan to find and sustain your own happiness?
States of Happiness: There are many states in which a person can find themselves: Happy, sad, frustrated, upset, moody, restless, anxious, calm, and so on. These states of being are not fixed human conditions, rather they are subjective, fluid, and emotional-based temporary, or short-term, mindset conditions. These conditions can fluctuate from one time period to the next, be it five minutes or five hours, and may also be situational in nature. This means the circumstances surrounding a person’s life may have a direct impact on their state of mind and so too, their overall state of being.
People have decided the optimal state of being is happiness: To be happy at all times ensures a well-lived and well-balanced life. Yet there is no one, and has never been anyone, who has lived in a pure state of happiness at all times.
Being Human: It is human to experience the opposite of happiness, even if it is something as simple as frustration about someone or something for a period of time. The key to proper balance is not to pretend it did not occur, and instead, it’s shifting back to a state of happiness.
Set a Goal: Happiness is a good goal to set, as it is a place of mental harmony in which problems are easier to address. When you allow yourself to feel happy, you are in a positive energetic flow, and this type of flow attracts positive outcomes.
Shifting Your Mindset: You do not have to jump right from a negative state to a happiness state of mind to see improvements, just find a way to navigate into the positive energetic stream.
For example, you can speak with someone you love and shift from a negative to positive flow quickly, provided you had a positive conversation.
How to Experience Happiness: Happiness is experienced in different ways. A person can be happy or feel contentment about their life. A person can also have no reason to feel negative and simply embrace a peaceful feeling about their life, which is a form of happiness.
Setting a Happiness Goal:
To decide to be happy as a goal requires knowing more about you and your life.
Ask: What is my purpose? Am I living it now?
Next: Do I have much to accomplish? If so, write an action plan. That is the only way you can progress to happiness.
Next: Do you have any unresolved issues on your mind? If so, speak your truth or let it go. It is time to move forward.
Most Important of All: Can you feel calm about your life? Can you feel peaceful and contented about the life you have right now? Only when you can answer these two questions in the affirmative will you feel and experience true happiness. Now you will know harmony.
Allow Disharmony: A state of disharmony and unhappiness is needed at times to prompt growth and change.
It is Time to Live and Be Happy: Whatever you do from now on, do not just wish for happiness. Set an intention to live a life of meaning and be focused on positive outcomes.
Embrace disharmony as a sign you have more to live and learn. Allow healing to occur before you attempt to ask others to solve your past issues, and then you can experience life fully. You can and should be happy, and you will, once you find inner peace and establish well-being for yourself.
Are you ready to discover the true meaning of happiness?
Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.
With love for all,
Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author
You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book