Discover How Self-Acceptance Leads to Personal Fulfillment

Are you accepting of yourself? Do you seek acceptance from others?

What will it take for you to state, I fully embrace who I am and who I have become? 

In this new post, Bruce J. talks about what it means to accept yourself, and how this can bring well-being and personal fulfillment into your life.

My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.

Dear Ones: Regardless of how close you may become to someone, no one but you can know all your thoughts, desires, dreams, hopes, and feelings. There is no one who could know all of you completely. Those who say they do mean they understand the aspects of your whole person you have chosen to reveal to them. More importantly, it likely means they understand you and accept you, after developing a history with you.

Acceptance from others can be very unpredictable. Children are quick to pick out the weakest, along with those who do not fit into the norm. And for anyone who is rejected at any early age, it may start a lifelong pattern. Even adults accept and reject one another based upon status, appearance, traits, personalities, norms, and many other features. It is even possible for a person to feel secure in society one day and then rejected the next.

Belonging to a family unit does not guarantee acceptance either, no matter how much love is professed for one another. Should a family member stray from a societal or family norm, that person could become an outcast and shunned from the rest of the family.

For a person who seeks acceptance from others, it becomes a form of validation that they do in fact fit in. This may create a temporary sense of personal accomplishment, having fit into school, work, society, or something similar. Yet if this validation is not attained, or a person is rejected, it can create a downward spiral into negativity and self-rejection.

Unconditional Acceptance: In contrast, there is one form of acceptance which is not conditional and it is self-acceptance. When a person accepts who they are, as they are without fault or blame, they can then know pure happiness. But for some reason, the human mind has a tendency to think in reverse: If acceptance comes from external sources, this must be the source of happiness. Only when the external acceptance validates the internal acceptance, if allowed, can happiness be finally experienced. But this is a double test of proving a person is acceptable, outside and inside, creating challenging conditions just to feel good.

Perhaps this is why social media has become so popular. It is an attempt to gain the external acceptance from others. And yet that creates feelings of needing it more often, and becoming anxious while waiting for someone to like or approve of who they are or what they have posted or shared, which is interpreted as a form of acceptance.

A healthier and more lasting path to happiness is through self-acceptance. It isn’t easy to do when the entire society is established upon classes, fitting in, and adhering to norms. Yet if you look closely at those who seemingly are the happiest, it is those who do not fit in, are not easily classified, and do not easily concern themselves with norms. They have learned: Only they can make themselves happy. More importantly: Only they are responsible for their own happiness. This is very freeing, not because societal structures should be ignored, rather it no longer matters if others deem them worthy or accept them.

What’s the secret to self-acceptance? The only real step to take is to decide you no longer need others to confirm your worth. You live and exist according to how you feel, and you decide you want to feel good. If you can do that, you will experience joy that is naturally meant to be felt. If you can decide you are the person you are supposed to be, right now, you will release life-sustaining happiness. You will know you have accomplished this by the way you feel. Suddenly, interacting with others in life will become less challenging and you will feel free, perhaps for the first time in your life. Now you are on the path to becoming free.

Do You Want to Truly Be Free? Suppose I told you that you could be free, and that your freedom (as a mental construct rather than physical imprisonment) was only dependent upon what you believe about yourself, your life, and the world around you? This doesn’t mean I can guarantee you vast wealth or unlimited resources, but what if I could help set your mind free and allow you to pursue the life you dream about, even if it takes time?

Mental Weights: We all carry mental weight within our minds, or something we would like to be free of to some degree. Some of us carry much more than others, and there are but a rare few who live in the world now who wake up free of mental restraints. Freedom of the mind is taken away so very easily and in so many ways, and again, I am not referring to physical imprisonment, although that condition too can create mental restraints.

Consider the weight of significant financial obligations, which erode away a person’s emotional and spiritual freedom. The same is true for physical pain, especially the type of pain which becomes chronic, debilitating, and disabling. There is also an unfulfilling and stressful job or career, which can strip away a person’s emotional and spiritual freedom, one day, week, month, and year at a time.

Mental Oppression Lessons: Mental oppression is intentional. It is self-inflicted and the consequence of our own actions, in-actions, decisions, and the lasting memories we hold. It shows up, and we allow it to take hold, through regret, second-guessing, self-doubt, and any other forms of negative self-talk.

The result of our self-induced mental oppression is a wide range of emotions which are experienced, along with deeply negative feelings. A person may feel mad at all times, angry at the world, or even victimized. Whatever the outcome may be, these mental restraints deprive us of living a life as naturally happy and harmonious as we should be.  

Oppression of the mind is the most harmful form of restraint to the human condition, influencing all aspects of a person’s well-being, depending upon the severity by which the person has allowed him or herself to become mentally oppressed. There is no one and nothing that can capture and hold the mind of any person. Oppression within the mind is self-caused, no matter how severe the external conditions surrounding a person have become.

Discover the Power of the Mind

The mind is described as holding great mysteries, with neural pathways and networks transmitting neurons at such a rapid rate it would be difficult to believe anything does not directly control this automatically functioning system. These rapid impulses transmit instructions which are vital to the functioning of the human body, while also carrying thought structures when called upon. These thought structures are referred to as short and long-term memory.

From an energetic perspective, short-term and long-term memory are somewhat different than the way these functions are described. Short-term memory is about the temporary focus of attention upon something, whether it is being viewed, read, or heard. If there is no connection made to any of that information, then there is no storage long-term of that information.

Now if there is a connection made to a piece of information, in a substantial manner, it will become a lasting impression or longer-term memory. Now the conventional explanation states this is stored within the circuitry of the mind, and it is, yet it is a fluid energetic system. This is an energetic system and it is transmitting to the higher power, the ultimate long-term memory.

The Mind is Energy. The Human Body is Energy.

The Mind is a system of thoughts, ideas, instructions, and information being transmitted through the neural network.

The correct way to view this is as follows: The Brain holds the connective tissue, neural network, and the functioning structure. It is the visible aspect of the process. The mind is the unseen aspect, or the thought structures produced as a result of the energetic process. Each person uses their power of focus to sort through thought structures, which are produced by the data received from the senses, and retained within.

Most daily events are discarded thought structures, or the equivalent of information stored in short-term memory. Yet any time there is an event that causes a date in time to become memorable in some way, that thought structure becomes permanently stored in long-term memory. Because the neural network of the mind is energetic, these lasting thought structures are also transmitted to a higher power.

If the thought structure was associated with a positive event, it will be stored with positive energy. The converse is true. Negative events are stored with negative energy. Finally, any thought structures which are the product of wisdom, insight, trial and error, or something similar, those go into the higher power.

Why was a higher power established in this manner? Consider those who write, paint, draw, dance, or do anything creative. Where do you believe this wisdom and those ideas come from? What are they drawing upon? It’s a collective of thoughts and the essence of energy.

This also extends to anyone who is involved in any daily decision-making and needs insight or wisdom, and feels a gut instinct or “voice within” guiding them to a particular path or decision. What this person is drawing upon is the energetic connection they have within their own mind, to their higher power.

Lifting the Restraints of Mental Oppression

How do you get back to the flow of life, with a positive focus, drawing upon positive energy? How do you set yourself free? What is needed is your personal credo, something to live by, which can become your daily mantra.

This is not just an affirmation.

It is your Daily Declaration of Mental Freedom.

Write this down for yourself. Print it out. State it to yourself every day.

Today I Choose to Accept Life.

• Today I stand where I am and I state: This is where I am supposed to be.

• Today I am free because I have decided I can and I will live a fulfilled life, and I am responsible for my own happiness.

• I want to live in this day, make the most of this day, and be fully present in this day.

• I no longer reside in the past or fear the future.

• Today matters most and what I can learn from it.

• I will no longer be oppressed by what I cannot control or what has transpired in the past.

• I will trust my inner guidance and I will no longer doubt my own ability to find the answers I need.

Today is my Declaration of Freedom.

Today I Choose to Live. Today I Choose Happiness.

Learn What it Means to Be Free

Being free of mental oppression involves no one but yourself. It is not about thinking happy thoughts either. What it requires is learning about the control available to each and every person, over their own mind, and how to redirect their focus back to a healthy and balanced place.

There is positive and negative energy flowing to and through the human mind. If you can shift your focus, you can tap into the strength of that positive energy and break the cycle of mental oppression.

Releasing the negativity may feel like a lot of work at first, but you will find positive energy is the source of all well-being, love, and strength. When you can accept and live life as it occurs, then you can truly know freedom.

Are you ready to find freedom and fulfillment, by finally and completely accepting yourself?

Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.

With love for all,

Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author

You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book

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