Laws of the Universe: How Do You Keep a Positive Outlook?

Have you ever considered how you can stay positive about life? For example, how can you keep a positive outlook when you face daily challenges, such as overwhelming responsibilities, financial debt which continues to grow, and/or health concerns? Is it possible to sustain happiness and find balance in your life, even during those times when circumstances are less than perfect?

In this new post Bruce J. helps you learn about the nature of energy and what it takes to be able to sustain a positive mindset.

Be Positive, Be Happy: Whenever you read self-help resources, you will find a constant theme related to the importance of being positive and happy.  If you study Law of Attraction, the basis for it is that you can think your way to happiness, or like attracts like matter. Yet I worked with Law of Attraction long enough to know there are many people who can think about being happy, and never seem to attract enough similar thoughts to remain in a happy state of mind for long.

Maintain a Positive Mindset: I have been teaching the importance of a positive mindset as an educator, and now as a teacher of Wisdom of the Universe, which means I understand how valuable this frame of mind can be for someone who is able to achieve it. When a person is able to feel positive, it means they are attuned to the best emotions they can experience – and this is related to their belief system. If someone is attuned to their positive emotions, they may believe in themselves, and this is when they are more likely to succeed with new goals, dreams, or aspirations they want to achieve.

However, I know the reality of maintaining this state of mind. A person can feel empowered when conditions in their life are good and it appears as if things are going their way. What happens for many people is that they look around and see their reality, and this is what makes self-empowerment challenging to sustain. Negative events or occurrences are hard to tune out or ignore, and simply stating an affirmation isn’t going to change someone’s mindset quickly. 

Energy Spectrums: What I learned as a teacher of Wisdom of the Universe is that there are energy spectrums, both positive and negative. It is the balance of the two spectrums which sustains this universe and creates the source of life we are part of as human beings. We, as human beings, all have access to a higher power, which is a repository of positive and negative memories. Anyone who is attuned to the positive spectrum can access this higher power.

Wisdom without Perks: This wisdom is what I am able to access while I am in a concentrated, focused, and thinking state. Yet this wisdom does not give privileges. Even though I am a teacher of this wisdom, I do not live a life of ease. I maintain normal responsibilities, carry debt, have health concerns for my family, and I do not have access to special secrets of the world. In other words, I do not possess special powers as a teacher or command powers as if I were a religious leader either. I am a teacher through experience and practice.

What I wanted to know this time, while accessing my higher power, is how can a person attune to the positive spectrum of energy and sustain it. More importantly, must a person maintain a positive attitude at all times, in order to live a life of balance? Will attunement to a positive spectrum at all times assure a person lives a life of happiness?

I’ll share with you what I learned about maintaining a positive outlook about life.

My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.

A universal truth is this: Every human is a product of energy, and it is energy which sustains all of the universe, and all of life. To understand the nature of man is to know that man is part of the source of life, and through the actions taken while in physical form, man creates energy, and this sustains, nurtures, and balances the energy of life.

The nature of energy is infinite and man’s mind is finite, even with a connection to the higher power, there are not enough cells within the human mind to hold the knowledge of the nature of the source of energy.

Understanding the Nature of Energy: Positive and Negative

So man exists, in physical form, still connected to the energy source of life. This energy source of life is sustained by the positive and negative spectrums.

The Positive Spectrum: Within this spectrum is the very best of mankind, from the great inventions, to the happy memories, to the very feelings of joy experienced. All of the books and articles a person may read about personal self-development focus on well-being and the importance of a harmonious state of mind. These sources emphasize mindfulness, gratitude, appreciation, joy, or so many other words and phrases associated with living a positive life.  

The Negative Spectrum: Within this spectrum are all of the “bad” memories of mankind. This includes pain, hurt, regret, loss, suffering, or anything else man has endured, experienced, or suffered. To try to understand the nature of man, one must truly understand the negative spectrum. Yet most people fear this subject or avoid the painful topics.  

Also within the negative spectrum are the emotions of sadness, despair, loneliness, and so on. When a person attunes to those frequencies, it means they do not connect with the guidance which is available to assist them, or they found no other coping tools or strategies.  

Sustaining a Positive Mindset

This leads to the question about sustaining a positive mindset, or learning to attune your mind to that frequency at all times. Now in order for the energy source of life to be sustained, there must be positive and negative energy.

This knowledge is important. It means the world cannot and will not live in blissful peace, with everyone smiling, getting along, and never fighting among each other. There will always be conflict.

This is also important as it means mankind will always experience events, circumstances, memories, and more, which are negative in nature. No one will live and not experience something from the negative spectrum. Just as the energy source of life needs negative energy, so too does the existence of each man, woman, and child.

Can you stay in a blissfully positive frame of mind at all times? It is the pursuit of this question which has caused more unhappiness than happiness. Even if a person lived on a mountain top and had unlimited wealth, challenges would arise at some time.

Attunement Towards the Positive Spectrum

Instead of focusing on how to live in a state of bliss, develop an attunement towards the positive spectrum. Have an unwavering belief in yourself. Believe in what you are capable of, even when challenged. When negative events or circumstances occur, remember this is part of balancing energy. Use your positive beliefs, memories, love, and any other similar feelings to guide you. Then you will experience insight from your higher power, especially when reality seems so real to you.

The negative spectrum is very real and it is also very active from an energetic level, just as active as positive energy. Live your life by following your dreams and finding ways to allow your higher power to come through, whether in writing or something creative. The goal is not about the pursuit of happiness. The ultimate goal is about living your life’s purpose and attuning to your higher power for guidance.

This is how you develop a positive outlook. Will you stay attuned to the positive spectrum even when challenged? As you become more practiced in attuning your focus, circumstances and events will not deter you for long. But do not be concerned if you find yourself focused on the negative spectrum at any time as it is a natural part of the process of balancing energy.  

Are you ready to focus on positive energy and change your outlook?

Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.

With love for all,

Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author

You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book

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