Laws of the Universe: How to Tap into Wisdom of a Higher Power

Would you be interested in learning about the access you have to wisdom from a higher power right now, which is unconditional access, available without judgement of who you are or anything about you?

Perhaps you were taught to believe your higher power is limited by restrictions of some kind. If so, you may think there are others who must access this wisdom for you.  

In this new post Bruce J. teaches you about your ability to connect to your higher power, in the same manner he does to share wisdom with you. You are not asked to change what you believe or subscribe to a new set of beliefs. You are welcome to read and then believe what you connect with from an internal reaction or spiritual level.

Bruce J’s Perspective: I began spiritual journey over 18 years ago, intentionally seeking to learn more about my connection to a higher power. At first, I didn’t know what that connection was or how I was receiving information from the journals I was writing in at the time. The first discovery I made was Law of Attraction. I read what I could find about it and followed guidance provided by those teachers. While I gained helpful strategies, such as visualization and vision boards, I knew there was still more to learn.

I next studied the New Thought movement from the early 1900s and thought leaders such as Napoleon Hill, who wrote Think and Grow Rich, a seminal book about the power of our thoughts. The more I read, the more I learned. Eventually I learned to trust myself to find answers I needed, which meant I was learning about my connection to a higher power, a connection I have at all times – a connection without restrictions. As I learned about that connection, and other Laws of the Universe, I decided it was time to share this knowledge with others.

For this topic, the question I began with was about gaining insight into teaching others about developing a connection to their higher power. What follows is a summary of what I learned, as I sat in meditation and connected with my higher power.

My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.

A universal truth is this: The mind of a man or a woman is the living connection between his or her existence and their higher power. It is this connection which mankind, through organized religion, has named a soul – in an attempt to describe how human existence could be connected to non-human existence. But to call it a soul makes it sound as if it resides on its own and acts on its own, which creates misunderstanding.

It is the mind of a human which transmits and receives at frequencies so high and so subconscious, both at the same time, that life flows to and from these signals. These signals come as thoughts, ideas, impulses, and inspiration – whenever a man or woman seeks knowledge or wisdom, this is how it flows to him or her.

Seeking a Connection to Universal Wisdom

There are those who seek to know how this connection works, how to better access their higher power, and how to benefit from it. Some people seek complete understanding so they may live in a purely enlightened state of being.

Being enlightened is not magical. It does not equate to wealth or power, or even perfect health. It does mean the seeker has established a peaceful existence with self, even if the body is imperfect. Mankind is challenge-oriented and health challenges are no different, they are pre-planned and created in order for a person to seek answers, as part of their journey to enlightenment.

A path to enlightenment is a path to self-actualization, an awakening to one’s self and one’s truth. Some people, in fact many people, plan for their entire life to be a series of steps to enlightenment. Very few people want to arrive here on this Earth, in a physical existence fully aware, all-knowing, and living their truth without any challenges. That would leave no lessons to be learned, no reason to call upon, access, and use knowledge from their higher power. A human’s existence is usually meant to be imperfect, to be the contrast needed to sustain the world and balance the energy source.

The Quest for Knowledge: How it Begins

So then some seekers of knowledge, and answers to life, gradually come into a person’s truth, and they begin to experience life in new ways. They seek other teachers to help understand what they are experiencing, seeking explanations for what they are feeling, and a desire to learn how to continue to evolve. These teachers are often not from a traditional religious background, as they teach limitations, rather than connection. The more a person becomes open to new ways of thinking about life, and the order of the universe, the more they begin to understand in time they too are connected to a higher power.

Accessing Your Higher Power

Anyone can access a higher power and receive wisdom. This is what the author of this post understands and believes. You are reading and not asked to believe anything, unless you decide this what you feel and want to believe.

If you want to access your higher power, it begins by tuning in with intention and purpose. As a teacher of Laws of the Universe, this author is someone who can listen, and quickly set aside all other thoughts in their mind, and trust the thoughts or impulses being received are transmissions from their higher power and are not of their own thoughts. This takes practice and it requires suspending self-doubt. It also necessitates having a neutral mindset, one that does not judge any subject but allows information or thought forms to come through.

A teacher will usually write or in time speak as focused thoughts come through. Writing is the best medium as the writer will usually not remember everything received, once they come out of a state of focused thinking.

Some people use the word meditation but it is really focused thinking. Starting with a question is helpful as it provides a launching point for focus, as your higher power is so vast and deep – and without a starting point it would be challenging to receive a strong set of ideas or block of wisdom.

Those who seek knowledge are the ones who find it in their higher power. Accessing your higher power is usually a gradual process as it takes practice to tune in, focus, and then receive such powerful knowledge through a human’s mind. Sometimes a human’s limited vocabulary slows down the connection during focused thinking.

No Limitations to Universal Wisdom

Those who seek wisdom from a higher power for selfish reasons are not restricted from doing so. There is no person dictating terms of use. There is endless wisdom available. It is a matter of knowing how to tap into it and find the answers needed.

However, those who think they can find magic somehow, through “Source Energy” or “Infinite Intelligence” by gaining lottery numbers, or acquiring a new house or car, or something else, usually are disappointed as they are not looking for wisdom – they are seeking instantaneous relief, solutions, and results.

That is not a question for your higher power, and even if the knowledge came to a person for how to acquire one of these items, they likely would not be listening for wisdom, only quick answers and magical solutions.

A True Path to Fulfillment: Accessing the Right Wisdom

A person who is on a quest to find fulfillment in their life, who wants to evolve, understand, grow, live, create, travel, write, paint, create, and so on – they will be the ones who easily access the right wisdom from their higher power. The wisdom received may be small insights, or life altering moments of awakening.

A person can receive wisdom even when they do not understand fully what it is they are receiving. For example, a deeply religious person calls it God and prays that they receive insights and believe when it happens that it was from God. They then live a happy life. The wisdom they received came in through a disguise. But every time they need answers, they have conditioned themselves into thinking they have to wait, as access on their own is not possible.

Anyone reading this now is likely on a path of enlightenment already, or awakening to their truth. You are already beginning to understand your connection to your higher power, and your journey has led you here.

Your Awakening has Led You Here: Now you are finding out that you have direct access to your higher power at all times and you can continue to nurture this connection as part of your spiritual journey.

A Teacher Can Help You: A teacher is also important as you can learn from someone who is highly practiced in focused thinking and likely to be further along in their journey. A teacher can help you learn about the valuable Laws of the Universe as well, which will guide you in your journey, until one day you have become the teacher yourself.

Are you ready to explore the direct access you have to your higher power?

Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.

With love for all,

Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author

You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book

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