Learn to Trust Your Higher Power for Direction

Where do you turn to when you need information? Do you believe you have access to a source of wisdom you can turn to when vital information is needed for your life?

In this new post, Bruce J. discusses how there is more information available to the average person than ever before. The challenge is knowing who or whom to trust when obtaining information, especially when it relates to personal matters. What he wants you to discover is the access to unending knowledge and insight available at all times, wisdom you can always rely upon for any aspect of your life.

My philosophy for Read and Believe is simple: I want for you to be inspired to Read, and then Believe what you connect with internally as you read. I do not subscribe to a particular doctrine, and I do not follow any particular religious teachings. I believe in spiritual self-empowerment and self-enlightenment. What I share is something you have access to yourself, and this is a higher power. More importantly of all, you too can learn to connect with your higher power, the very essence of who you are, and in doing so, you can learn how to find direction for your life.

What I wanted to know, as I began to meditate, is this: How do I help others who are searching for information, especially when they are seeking information about the direction of their life or something personal in nature?

My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow thoughts to flow through my mind.

Dear Ones: The truth is, you do not control your body to the extent you believe you do. Consider how your body is functioning on its own, and without your control, day after day, until the pre-destined time has come to a conclusion. There is always some form of activity going on within the body, and it is done without direction from you.

For example, you do not instruct your heart to pump, your valves to pulse with vital life-giving fluid, or features within your brain, be they fully working or not. You can care for this human form, but you do not own its daily operations, unless you would choose to stop its functions on your own.

So what does this mean? It means there is something going on within you. There is an essence, or an energetic lifeforce within you that engaged with your physical being from the moment your life began.

There are electrical or energetic signals operating in unison with one another throughout your body, only interrupted if there is disease, or dis-ease, or something causing the natural and harmonic process within your body to fail to function as it normally would or should. It is always interesting to humans, why they would have a body that is viewed less than “perfect”, as if a “perfect” body would be the key to a successful life.

A Unique Body: A body that does not function the same as a majority of the population is done according to the plan you’ve already created for yourself. It may have been done to make you unique, provide you with learning opportunities, help you teach others, find unique pathways, and/or so many other key possibilities. Only you can know for certain what your body is meant to be and what it is about your body you are to learn.

The Mysteries of the Human Body: Along with a functioning body, to whatever degree it functions, is this overall essence that is running by itself. Many humans do not understand how it is possible for all these internal organs and functions to operate without something directing it. It is possible for some to understand the brain and its functions, in the overall scheme of the body. For many, when there cannot be an instantaneous answer, they turn to religion and then accept there is a higher power that’s involved, and call the inner essence a soul.

Whatever you call the inner essence within you, just know this: it is your inner spirit. It is energy and it operates the functions of your body, whether in full capacity or partial. What you may also be interested to know is how this energy stays connected then to your body. If you can look around, at the sky and the clouds, and consider what moves them, and open your eyes to the possibility of energy being all around you, then you can begin to understand what your inner essence, or spirit, is connected to.

Connecting to a Higher Power: Your inner spirit is connected to a higher power, that which gives life to all humans. This is the Source of Life, that which nurtures all man, including all living things, along with the universe. So, when you have thoughts come to mind, and you wonder how these thoughts are stored, it is done so electrically, or energetically.

Then when you need ideas, and you have thoughts come to you, and you wonder where those ideas came from, you’ll understand how you are connected to something greater than yourself. This is how it works for writers, painters, composers, and all creatives. This is what Bruce J does as he taps in while he is meditating. He simply begins with a question, listens quietly, and awaits wisdom to arrive.

As you begin to understand this concept of a higher power, you can then open your mind to the understanding that you have access to the wisdom and knowledge which is greater than you.

How do you access it? You have to find a quiet place and you must learn to meditate in some form. You don’t need to do anything formal, other than to tune out thoughts of the day, which does take practice, and wait for the “aha” moment, or new thoughts to arrive.

Take the approach that Bruce J uses and be focused on a question. He imagines being in a library and waiting for someone (his higher power) to come and assist him. You can simply start by just waiting for an answer.

Now it will take time to believe you are accessing your higher power, so start with something easy, as you learn.

Understand What this Is: This process is not magical and you won’t get answers to become wealthy or win the lottery. But you can receive the right guidance, at the right time. What you will find is that you’ll feel comforted, loved, peaceful, and better about yourself and your life.

Would you like to be able to find direction for your life? You can, if you learn to listen to your higher power for direction.

Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.

With love for all,

Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author

You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book

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