Are you familiar with the Law of Attraction, and the many teachings associated with this dynamic principle?
You may be interested to know this is not the only Law of the Universe, and in fact, there are many Laws of the Universe. The Law of Attraction has gained the most attention over past several decades because it seems to help address questions related to money, relationships, and other important concerns. The other Laws of the Universe should be studied, as they offer important insight into many aspects of life.
With this post Bruce J. shares what he’s learned about one of those Laws of the Universe, which is Law of Connection.
My Quest for Knowledge: The following is what I learned while attuned to my higher power. I sit quietly, focus my thoughts on a beginning question, and allow new thoughts to flow through my mind uninterrupted.
A Universal Truth: Law of Connection
There is a common phrase called Law of Attraction. That is accurate. However, in order to attract you must first connect.
All energy has two spectrums: Positive and Negative.
All humans have an eternal connection to energy. That is called the Law of Connection.
Law of Attraction is not the next step or else a person would be attracting both positive and negative energy at the same time. A connection to energy means the dynamic balance of positive and negative energy exists.
Law of Attraction refers to the dimension of energy that a person is attuned to. A person who lives through reflections on the past, they develop a focus that attracts more of the same, which is usually negative energy. Negative energy is where the past resides as it contains hurt, regret, bad feelings, loss, and pain. Positive energy is joy, love, acceptance, forgiving, and feelings of hope. (The past can contain positive memories, yet the negative memories often outweigh the positive memories.)
Whatever your mental tuner is focused on, or your thoughts, attraction brings more from that flow of energy: positive or negative.
As with any spectrum, there is a midpoint, a balance in the middle of positive and negative. That is a time referred to as quieting the mind during meditation. It also occurs during sleep as the mind is no longer attuned to one spectrum and thoughts subside. Sleep can perform a reset for the mental tuner. However, people who have a practiced pattern of thought, a chronic focus on negativity, it will take more than sleep to change that focus. It will now require conscious, steady focus on positivity to shift attention.
A Universal Truth: Energy requires life for sustenance.
Just as energy produces life, life is needed to sustain energy.
Energy needs inputs to keep it in motion and flowing. From that flow comes life, and life creates points of output, in order for energy to flow outward and create manifestations.
Some manifestations are thoughts or what is referred to as the intangible. Other manifestations are the tangible or the physical. All life adds to and creates energy. The animals are the positive realm and sustain that current. Humans fluctuate and provide negative energy that is vital or necessary to keep a constant state of flux. Both positive and negative currents create the whole known as energy.
Animals are always attuned to the energy source and never stray from the positive current. Some animals remain “untamed” as they serve a purpose for sustaining forests, serving as a food source, or maintain balance with the energy flow. Those animals who grow close to humans are easy to adore and appreciate because of their connectedness and constant balance.
Humans have a different frequency and can maintain positive or negative currents based upon the purpose they have chosen. Some have chosen to experience an existence of what is called pleasure or pain or upheaval or ease or uncertainty or free-flowing. When a human sees another who is suffering, they express their discomfort through pity or an offer to help. But that pain, that very existence they chose, provides sustenance to “source” energy.
The Law of Connection states that all persons, or human beings, are eternally connected to the energy which gives and sustains life, or the Source of Life Energy. No matter what a person chooses to believe about their existence, they are connected to, contribute to, sustain, and are sustained by the Source of Life Energy.
The following is an example: People who are creative are those who can discern the flow of energy and attract a stream of like-minded thoughts or consciousness. A writer taps into streams of ideas and collects thoughts. An artist taps into imagery. All of this, every piece of writing or art or other form of creative expression, are manifestations that add to and cause the Source of Life Energy to expand.
An important note: For the example above, each must first become attuned to their connection, regardless of what they call their connection, or believe that connection to the Source of Life Energy is. Then as they engage with the energy of their creative or artistic form, they can begin to attract like-minded ideas, thoughts, and so on.
Do you have to be creative or artistic to tap into this energy? Absolutely not. You can be engaged in any form of activity that involves use of your mental capacity, and requires new ideas, thoughts, and so on. First you focus on your connection with the energy that sustains you, and this can be as simple as engaging in a form of meditation, to allow thoughts to come through. Once new thoughts begin coming to you, you’ll understand how easy this process can be. You have the connection already. It’s a matter of focusing upon it, and then allowing Law of Attraction to bring additional thoughts and ideas to you.
Are you ready to allow the Law of Connection to work for you?
Author’s Note: I hope you Read and Believe in your ability to find a path to transformation and spiritual self-discovery. You have found a place where you can be inspired to read, and more importantly, you can choose to believe what you connect with as you read.
With love for all,
Bruce J: Intuitive Teacher and Spiritual Author
You can order an autographed copy of Bruce J’s first book, Discover Laws of the Universe: Your Guide to Personal and Spiritual Transformation: Bruce J’s Book